Peter's Bonsai Blog 



Juniper No 6

This Informal upright Itoigawa Juniper was also acquired in March 2024, as one of the trees being sold by a friend.

Like the others, when I got it, the tree had been neglected for a few years and was pot bound in its weed filled pot.  A lot of the foliage had died and there was a lot of work involved in cleaning it out and removing the dead stuff.  Unfortunately – once again I didn’t take any pictures before I started the work.

Because I got it at the end of March , I was able to repot the tree, although other than removing the dead foliage  there wasn’t much work needed on the basic structure. 

As the tree gains strength, I will need to rebuild the foliage, but until then no drastic work will be undertaken.  The only thing that I have done is to stabilise the deadwood by filling the cracks.  The car body filler is very strong and also acts as an adhesive

A bit of TLC and lots of feeding should do the trick.


Juniper No 6 in April 2024 (Click to enlarge)