Peter's Bonsai Blog 




This is the story of a Maple acquired in September 2018.

The tree had been developed by a long term acquaintance and member of the Ayrshire Bonsai club - Mr Joe Ballie.

Unfortunately, Joe died in 2018, but had decided that as his trees had been developed in Ayrshire, he wanted the trees to remain with club members in Ayrshire.  The trees were therefore distributed amongst the members of the club on the understanding that they would not be sold and would remain within Ayrshire.  Undoubtedly a very generous gesture.


This is the tree as it arrived in my garden.  It has great Nebari and is in an unusual Ian Baillie oval pot.



I felt that there tree needed to be repotted and in March 2019 I had a look at the root ball.  



As a result it was repotted into this Barry Sommerville round pot.  

By the  middle of April, all the foliage had opened up 

and the  tree was looking good.



This Shoin size cork bark Maple was acquired from Martin Picken when he gave up the hobby in March 2019.

Further pictures will be posted as the tree develops.


In September 2019 I managed to acquire  this Mountain Maple from Wattson Bonsi



The tree was repotted in April 2020 into a much more open mix, suitable for our Scottish climate.  I would have preferred to  use a lighter coloured pot, but I need one 22 inches wide, and good quality pots of this size are hard to get. This was the only one available at the time.   The pot will have to wait for another time.

Follow this link to see the repotting technique used



By May 2020 the tree was looking good although perhaps it needs a trim.

I decided to submit  this maple to the "Bonsai Live" show held in Telford in October 2024.  They only had space for 70 trees so I was pleased to have mine selected.  It was awarded a Silver medal

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